Thursday, August 15, 2013

Today we have applied all the new patches from Microsoft.  We ran into some problems because of our security stack on the host end points.  We are running Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 systems as well as other Operating Systems.  

The problem came into existence when MS13-063 (2859537) was deployed to windows systems running mcafee application control.  It exists because there is a problem with McAfee Solidcore 6.1 and 6.0.1 and the patched Windows kernel.  When memory protection is turned on all our applications and services that aren't part of the core operating system fail upon reboot.

We have a temporary fix to work around the problem while McAfee works on a permanent fix.  

Step 1:
Go into ePO console and turn off 3 solidcore features.

Select Policy Catalog > Application Control > Windows Options > Features

Uncheck memory protection and the 2 sub check boxes

save the policy

Step 2: This fixes the broken systems

Log into the system being affected
Click start > programs > McAfee > Solidifier > McAfee solidifier command line
change directory to c:\program files\mcafee\solidcore
run passwd command and enter the solidcore password to unlock solidcore
run sadmin recover
run sadmin features disable mp
run sadmin features disable mp-nx
run sadmin features disable pkg-ctrl

reboot the system

all applications and services should come back online

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Blackberry Z10 day 1 review

So I was given the opportunity to take the BlackBerry Z10 for a test drive. It has been roughly 24 hours since my cut over from a Galaxy Nexus.

Likes: BlackBerry Hub is an excellent center for all things I care about. The integrated SMS, MMS, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. creates a time saving central hub for things I care about.

The Web browsing seems to deliver a better experience than on my Android or iPhone.
The keyboard is also fantastic.

Dislikes: there is a lack of native apps that I used on a regular basis on both my Android and iPhone. This seems to be my only dislike at the moment.

Though the previously mentioned dislike is a bit annoying, I was pleasantly surprised how well the HTML 5 versions of apps like GMAIL, Google voice, etc. worked.

In fact the only app that I can't replace with an HTML 5 variant so far seems to be Google Authenticator.  However to get around that that just have a code sent via text message, problem solved for now.  Now I do understand a code via SMS text could be a security concern because it isn't encrypted and could be intercepted, etc. But this is a trade off needed ff the time being.